World Field Epidemiology Day 2022

World Field Epidemiology Day is coming up on September 7, 2022.


World Field Epidemiology Day (#WorldFieldEpidemiologyDay) is a global movement to recognize and raise awareness of the vital role of field epidemiologists in protecting the health of populations and advancing global health security, and to advocate for increased investment in field epidemiology training, research, and professionals.

The pandemic has brought unprecedented visibility to the work of field epidemiologists, but this visibility has not always resulted in understanding the importance of field epidemiology, nor in the increased support needed to strengthen public health systems around the globe to better detect and respond to outbreaks.



We here at Field Epidemiology in Action celebrated World Field Epidemiology Day in 2021 by acknowledging the incredible work field epidemiologists do all around the world to protect their communities from public health events, including COVID-19. If you missed it, here is our 2021 World Field Epidemiology Day celebration video:

‘We go where we have to go and do what we have to do to make sure we leave no one behind.

We’ve been on the frontline of this pandemic response from day one…

and we are still here.’


And - a year after we recorded this - we are still here.

Around the world, field epis remain on the frontlines, day after day, serving and protecting their communities.


The pandemic is not yet over.


And the next is starting: the catastrophic secondary health and social impacts of years of COVID-19.


The field epi’s work is never over. People may now know about us from COVID. But we are now going to show them all we can do to strengthen our health systems before, during and in recovery from emergencies.

The theme for World Field Epidemiology Day 2022 is empowering field epidemiologists for stronger health systems. As we lead into the day itself, we will be posting a weekly blog sharing frontline, on-the-ground stories from field epidemiologists in the Pacific that explore each of the Day’s six sub-themes:

1. Fighting outbreaks and health emergencies, including COVID-19, on the front lines

       2. Strengthening health surveillance systems to detect public health threats early

3. Enabling effective outbreak management and public health emergency response

4. Ensuring quality health data for evidence-informed policy and decision-making

5. Working at the forefront of One Health on human, animal and environmental health

6. Advancing knowledge to strengthen public health policies and interventions


We know you’ll love hearing these impactful stories from the field.

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Fighting outbreaks and health emergencies on the frontlines


Trainee to trainer!